Dual Credit Classes


Earn credit at Mitchell Technical College while still in high school through our dual credit classes!

Mitchell Technical College allows high school students to enroll in selected online and face-to-face classes providing them with the opportunity to earn credit at Mitchell Tech and at their local high school when approved by their school district.  

Classes are offered at a reduced rate of $50.84/credit hour making this an affordable option to get started on their postsecondary career plans while they are still in high school. 

What are the benefits for students taking dual credit classes?

  • Enhances ability and skills to do college work and aids student in gaining confidence for postsecondary success
  • Allows student to experience the rigor and challenge of postsecondary classes while still in high school
  • Provides relevance to students allowing them to study areas of career interest

Courses are available from a variety of Mitchell Tech programs:

Summer of 2024

Download a complete list of dual credit classes offered at Mitchell Tech for the summer of 2024.

Spring of 2025

Download a complete list of dual credit classes offered at Mitchell Tech for the spring of 2025.

Spring of 2025

Download a complete list of dual credit classes offered at Mitchell Tech for the spring of 2025 general transferable courses.

Spring registration opens on November 1, 2024. Classes fill on a first-come, first-serve basis.

South Dakota Department of Education list of South Dakota Dual Credit Courses Offered.

Want to learn more? 

Email Hillary Vining, Director of Enrollment, or call 605.995.7114.  See also Mitchell Tech Dual Credit Guidelines.

Registration & Course Payment

  • Your first step should be to review the available Mitchell Tech dual credit classes and discuss with your high school counselor whether a Mitchell Tech class and dual credit is a good option for you. Consider how the class fits your personal learning plan and your education plans after high school graduation.
  • When you choose to enroll, fill out the online application and finalize the 2024-25 Dual Enrollment Approval Form. The form must be signed and your enrollment approved by a school administrator. Submit the approval form and any supplementary documents at https://www.mitchelltech.edu/docs/. Class enrollments are limited for dual credit students and some classes reach capacity quickly, so early registration is encouraged.
  • After your registration has been processed, you will be emailed a course schedule. The schedule indicates your registered class(es), and the invoice indicates the amount due for payment. You may drop a class within the first 10 class days of the Mitchell Tech academic calendar without being charged and without receiving a grade. Contact Hillary Vining to drop a class.
  • The cost of Mitchell Tech dual credit classes is $50.84/credit hour (3-credit class cost is $152.52).
  • Payment for your class is due to Mitchell Tech within the first ten days of the semester. If your school district is paying for your class, provide a copy of the cost to your high school principal. Payment may be made by check (include your student ID# on the check) or call the Mitchell Tech business office at 605-995-3022 to pay by credit/debit card.



Grades for dual credit classes will be provided to the student’s local school district. Grades will also be recorded on an Mitchell Tech transcript. Official transcripts may be requested for a fee in accordance with Mitchell Tech procedures outlined at mitchelltech.edu Students may print an unofficial transcript from MyTech.


It is the student’s responsibility to verify course transferability to other postsecondary institutions. Transfer credit is not guaranteed when a student transfers from one institution to another.


/Credit Hour*
$ 0


  • Students are responsible to obtain their own textbooks prior to the first day of class. It is recommended that students first check with their local school district to determine if their district will arrange purchase of the textbook.
  • Information on required textbooks is available Mitchell Tech’s online bookstore. Order your books and laptop computers online at MitchellTech.TextbookX.com
  • A Windows 10 laptop is required for all students taking dual enrollment courses. Microsoft Office is provided to all students at no additional cost. Additional Internet-based resources may be required for completion of assignments. A district’s technology coordinator may need to allow access to resources that are filtered. Requests for access to those resources will be the student’s responsibility.
Online Orientation

Students enrolled in online classes must complete the Mitchell Tech Online Orientation. This brief orientation will familiarize students with the features and use of “MyTech”  ( Mitchell Tech’s online learning management system). Students who have not completed the Mitchell Tech Online Orientation by the add/drop date (10 class days after the start of the semester) will be administratively dropped from their classes.

Other Requirements/Considerations
  • Students registered for dual credit classes will not be eligible to “test out” of the class.
  • Completing credits through the dual enrollment program at Mitchell Tech may affect a student’s full-time status while attending Mitchell Tech in future semesters.
  • Courses are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met.

Contact Admissions

For information about any of our programs, application, or any of our other student services please contact us:

Admissions Office
Mitchell Technical College
1800 E. Spruce St.
Mitchell, SD 57301

fax: 605.995.3067
[email protected]

"*" indicates required fields