Continuing Education

SLP and SLPA Continuing Education Day Registration and Online Payment

Join the faculty and students of the Mitchell Technical College Speech-Language Pathology Assistant program for a day of continuing education (6.0 continuing education hours) and networking. This event is open to all SLPs, SLPAs, educators, and related professionals. 

Questions, contact:

Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Mitchell Technical College

Date: Friday, May 2, 2025
Cost: $54 – Speech-Language Pathologists, Educators, and Related Professionals
$34 – Speech-Language Pathology Assistants
($10 additional after April 25, 2025)
Webinar: Microsoft Teams (Access link provided to registrants before the event)
Course Title: Diversifying treatment methods to optimize outcomes for children with speech sound disorders
Course Description: Children with speech sound disorders comprise a large proportion of children who need speech therapy services. It is apparent that what works in treatment for one child may not work for another. In this course, we will discuss practical ways to differentiate treatment approaches for the unique and varied needs of children with speech sound disorders by developing different tools that may work for different children. We will also discuss literacy development in children with speech sound disorders and strategies we can use in treatment to support speech and literacy development in these children.
Learner Outcomes: 

After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  • discuss types of underlying deficits that children with speech sound disorders may exhibit.
  • identify malleable treatment variables that can improve speech production outcomes in children with SSD.
  • describe ways to integrate literacy into treatment sessions for children with speech sound disorders.
Speaker: Katy Cabbage, PhD, CCC-SLP
Speaker Information: Dr. Katy Cabbage is a former school-based speech-language pathologist who now researches links between early speech and language skills and later literacy acquisition. She is specifically interested in identifying predictors related to difficulty acquiring literacy acquisition in children with speech sound disorders and/or language impairment. She has presented nationally on topics related to speech sound disorder interventions, particularly in school-based settings, and delights in the opportunity, whenever she can, to meet SLPs around the country.
8:00-8:15 Introduction, disclosures, review objectives for the day
8:15-9:00 Subtypes of speech sound disorders and why it matters
9:00-10:00 Diversifying treatment to meet the individual needs of children with SSD:
treatment approaches
10:00-10:15 BREAK
10:15-11:00 Diversifying treatment to meet the individual needs of children with SSD:
treatment approaches continued
11:00-12:00 Diversifying treatment to meet the individual needs of children with SSD:
target selection
12:00-1:00 LUNCH
1:00-2:30 Literacy considerations for children with speech sound disorders and
basics of foundational literacy concepts
2:30-2:45 BREAK
2:45-3:15 Embedding literacy into treatment for children with SSD
3:15-3:30 Concluding thoughts and time for questions


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American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa
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Dr. Cabbage has the following relevant financial relationships: Mitchell Technical College – Honorarium, Washington State University – Salary. Nonfinancial relationships: ASHA member.

Jennifer Schultz (planner) has the following financial relationships: Salary and registration fees were waived. She reports no relevant nonfinancial relationships.

To receive continuing education credit for this course, participants will be required to complete a self-assessment which will include stating three things learned related to learner outcomes and how this information will be applied in the workplace.