

Mitchell Technical College has in place an ongoing, institution-wide process of planning and outcomes assessment for the purpose of continuous improvement and to provide evidence that the college is effectively achieving its mission to provide our graduates with skills for success in technical careers. At the institutional, program, and course level, we have identified meaningful outcomes for student learning and we are assessing and using the data to improve what we do and how we do it.  We believe our process, which is guided by a faculty-supported assessment committee, will assist Mitchell Tech to more fully achieve our mission.

Annual Program Review & Program Outcome Assessment

Each program completes an annual review of program effectiveness and student learning data. The process incorporates industry oversight; alignment with external standards; feedback from students, alumni, and employers; and student and graduate outcome data to ensure that our educational programs are fulfilling our promises to students. Program learning outcomes and annual program review reports can be found on individual program web pages. 

Institutional Effectiveness

Mitchell Tech has identified four institutional learning outcomes that prepare students, regardless of their program of study, to become productive members of the work force and lifelong learners ready to grow within their chosen professions. Graduates of Mitchell Technical College will be able to:

  • Communicate effectively in the workplace
  • Apply reasoning and critical thinking to solve problems and seek information
  • Demonstrate professionalism in a diverse culture
  • Cultivate civic engagement and social responsibility

These outcomes are developed and assessed both directly and indirectly in the classroom and co-curricular environments.

Other less direct measures of institutional effectiveness are provided by surveys of our stakeholders, such as students, alumni, and employers. The survey results are used for institutional and program planning and improvement efforts.