Financial Aid
Mitchell Tech Federal School Code:
One of your biggest concerns might be “How am I going to pay for school?” Our experienced, helpful staff can guide you to many sources of financial aid. Some students qualify for grants. Many can receive loans with a variety of repayment options. Scholarships are also a possibility. And you might even pick up a work study job on campus. Whatever your situation . . . traditional, nontraditional, veteran, single parent . . . we will help you navigate your financial options.
At Mitchell Technical College, the financial aid process starts with the FAFSA
(Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
To qualify for federal financial aid (and some scholarships), you will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year.
- See the below for tips on completing the FAFSA.
- If you do not plan to apply for federal aid, please let us know so your financial aid award letter doesn’t get delayed.
Tips for Completing the FAFSA
- We encourage students and parents to complete the FAFSA together
- It is a good idea to collect your information before you start the FAFSA (see below)
Both the student and parents’ information are collected on the FAFSA. The student will need their OWN FSA ID, Social Security number, phone number, and/or email address (separate from the parent’s).
Steps For Applying For Federal Aid
STEP 1: Create an FSA ID (account username and password)
You (the student) and each contributor to your FAFSA will create an FSA ID at
Contributors may include the student’s parents (biological or adoptive parents), the spouse of the student’s parent, or the student’s spouse.
The FSA ID allows the contributors to:
1. Complete their sections of the student’s FAFSA.
2. Provide consent and approval to transfer their federal tax data from the IRS directly to the student’s FAFSA.
3. Sign the FAFSA.
STEP 2: Complete the FAFSA
You can complete the FAFSA as early as October 1 of the year prior to your planned attendance. Access the FAFSA at When completing the application, you will refer to your (and your applicable contributor’s) completed federal income tax return for the year prior to the previous calendar year, and your (and your applicable contributor’s) current asset information. List Mitchell Technical College (MTC) as one of your colleges so MTC receives your FAFSA information.
STEP 3: Review the FAFSA Submission Summary
Usually within a week of submitting your FAFSA, you will receive a FAFSA Submission Summary at the email address listed on your FAFSA. Please review the summary carefully and make any needed corrections on the FAFSA website. If the government has any issues with your application, the MTC Financial Aid Office may email you for additional information or required forms.
View these step-by-step instructions for assistance with completing the 2025-26 FAFSA.
If you are applying for federal financial aid for the spring semester, starting January 2025, please contact the MTC Financial Aid Office for 2024-25 FAFSA instructions.
STEP 4: Receiving an Award Notification
Beginning in March, award notifications will be emailed from the MTC Financial Aid Office to students who have finalized their financial aid and been accepted for enrollment at MTC. The award notification lists the types and amounts of financial aid for which you are qualified.
Financial Aid STAFF
Assistant Director
Financial Aid Specialist
Code of Conduct
Mitchell Technical College adheres to the following code of conduct:
- Ban on revenue-sharing
- Gift ban
- Prohibited contracting arrangements
- Prohibited assignment of lender to first-time borrower
- Prohibited refusal to certify or delay of certification based upon choice of lender
- Prohibition on offers of funds for private loans
- Ban on staffing assistance
- Prohibition on receipt of compensation for advisory board service
Types of Aid
Listed below are some of the types of aid for which you may qualify. Click each type to review. Your FAFSA application is the first step to help you determine your financial aid package.
The Federal Pell Grant Program
Is a grant program funded by the federal government. The Student Aid Reports (SARs) from the processing center tell the Mitchell Technical College Financial Aid Office whether or not you qualify for this grant, and, if so, for how much. Pell grants range from $976 to $5550 for full-time students enrolled in a program leading to a degree or diploma.
The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program
is also a grant program funded by the federal government. Students who receive Pell Grants have priority for receiving this grant. Funding for this program is limited. Please apply early. Applicants typically receive funds from $100 to $600.
Work Opportunities
The Federal Work Study Program
Is funded by the federal government. The Financial Aid Office determines eligibility. If you qualify and funds are available, you are allotted an amount of money that you can earn during the academic year. Limited summer jobs during non-enrollment periods are also available. Contact the Financial Aid Office for details.
Off-campus Employment Opportunities
Are available. See the Director of Career Services located in the Center for Student Success or visit the South Dakota Department of Labor website.
Student loans are sources of financial aid which must be repaid at a future time. All types of loans are disbursed on a semester basis.
The Federal Direct Loan Program
Is a low-interest loan program that allows dependent students to borrow up to $5500 for their first year and $6500 for their second year. Independent students may borrow up to $9500 for their first year and $10,500 for their second year. This program is either subsidized or unsubsidized. If the loan is subsidized, the interest does not accrue until six months after the time you leave Mitchell Technical College. If the loan is unsubsidized, interest is charged from the time the loan is disbursed. Your award letter will indicate the type of loan for which you qualify.
Federal Parent Loans (PLUS)
Is a program which provides an opportunity for parents of dependent students to borrow funds for their student’s educational costs. Applications are processed by the Financial Aid office, and loan amounts may not exceed educational costs minus other financial aid.
Other Off-Campus Agency and Financial Aid Source
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
If you are in this program, check with your TANF coordinator to see what assistance you may receive to attend Mitchell Technical College. If you are in this program, check with your TANF coordinator to see what assistance you may receive to attend Mitchell Technical College.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
If you qualify for BIA funds, you should start by contacting your local BIA Agency. Paperwork completed early will ensure timely arrival of your funding.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Financial aid is available for mentally or physically disabled persons. Contact your local Voc-Rehab office.
Veteran’s Benefits
Contact the Veteran’s Center at (888) 442-4551 or the Financial Aid office at Mitchell Technical College to request information about the programs for which you may qualify. For more information visit the Veteran’s Administration website.
National Guard Benefits
Members of the National Guard may qualify for 100% tuition benefits and monthly stipends under the Chapter 1606 program. Contact your commanding officer.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Click here for more information.
Mitchell Technical College accepts other scholarships and will assist anyone with these. Click here for details.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
Federal regulations require Mitchell Technical College to define and evaluate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for federal student financial aid applicants. The purpose of the review process is to ensure that the federal aid given to a student is used in a constructive manner and that the student is maintaining satisfactory advancement toward achieving a degree.
Although the SAP standards are similar to the Academic standards for all students, the financial aid SAP standards are not exactly the same due to the specific federal requirements. In addition to meeting the academic standard for registration, a student must also meet the requirements of the financial aid SAP in order to be considered eligible to receive federal, state, and need-based institutional financial aid assistance.
Mitchell Tech evaluates Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of each academic term. If there are late posted grades or grade changes, the SAP status will be recalculated once notification is received from the Registrar’s Office of grade changes.
In order for a student to maintain his or her federal financial aid, the student must meet the following standards of academic progress. Students who do not meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards after one term will initially be issued a financial aid warning, allowing financial aid to continue for one academic term. If the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress are not met in that following academic term the student will be suspended from receiving federal financial aid. Suspended students can appeal to have financial aid eligibility reinstated by submitting an appeal to the Dean of Student Success. If the appeal is approved, that student will be placed on financial aid probation for the following academic term. The student then has one term in which to meet the standards and regain eligibility for financial aid.
SAP Standards:
1. Minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) Qualitative Measure
All students receiving financial aid must maintain the following Mitchell Tech cumulative GPA. The cumulative GPA includes credits earned at Mitchell Technical College and transfer credits.
Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or above.
2. Minimum pace of progression (PACE) Quantitative Measure
All students must successfully complete a minimum 67% of cumulative credits attempted. Pace is calculated by dividing the total number of cumulative credits completed by the total number of cumulative credits attempted.
Credits completed = all coursework where credit is earned with a grade A, B, C, D, and P.
Credits attempted = all coursework where credits were completed PLUS all coursework with a grade of F, I, and N.
Maximum Timeframe Credits Attempted to Complete Degree Program:
All students must complete their degree program with credits attempted that are no greater than 150% of the number of credits required to earn the degree. The maximum attempted units is calculated by multiplying the minimum units required for the academic program by 150%. For example, if a degree required a minimum of 64 credits, so that student can attempt a maximum of 96 credit hours before being suspended from financial aid (64 x 150% = 96). Students can pursue additional academic objectives and receive financial aid as long as they do so within the units allowed for in their primary major.
If you are unable to fulfill the requirements for your degree before reaching this maximum timeframe your aid will be suspended from financial aid.
Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress:
Failure to meet either Qualitative Measure the 2.0 grade point average requirement and/or Quantitative Measure by successfully completing a minimum 67% of cumulative credits attempted will result in the following:
Financial Aid Warning:
Students who are not meeting the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress at the end of one term of enrollment will be placed on “financial aid warning” and will be notified of this status through their Mitchell Tech email. Note that the financial aid warning only applies to students who have just completed their first academic term of their program, or who were meeting the standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress in the prior academic term.
During the term of financial aid warning, students will continue to be eligible for federal financial aid. This gives the student time to become compliant with the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. It is recommended that students who are issued a financial aid warning meet with their advisors in order to re-evaluate their course of study and take advantage of the many services available to them at in the Center for Student Success at Mitchell Tech.
Financial Aid Suspension:
Students who fail to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards in the semester after receiving a financial aid warning will be found ineligible to receive federal financial aid and their financial aid will be suspended at that time. Students will receive notification of their federal financial aid suspension through their Mitchell Tech email.
Appeal Process:
Federal regulations limit circumstances for which a suspension of financial aid may be appealed to the following: death of a family member; illness or injury to the student; or other special circumstances beyond the student’s control.
To appeal a financial aid suspension, a student must submit an appeal to the Dean of Student Success. The appeal form must explain why the student failed to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards and what has changed in the student’s situation that will allow the student to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards by the next evaluation period. The student may also be required to include documentation to verify the stated circumstance that prevented the student from meeting the Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Required documentation includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Death of a family member (a photocopy of a death certificate and/or obituary and the name and relationship of the deceased to you).
- Illness or injury to the student (an explanation of the nature of the illness or injury and the dates you were affected by the illness or injury AND a statement from a physician or health care professional and/or a copy of medical bill or discharge forms).
- Other special circumstance (a detailed explanation of the specific traumatic event or unexpected circumstance and what you have done to overcome the event or circumstance such that you can go on to meet the standard of Satisfactory Academic Progress AND supporting documentation from a third party, i.e. physician, social worker, counselor, police).
A committee will review the appeal form and notify the student. If a student’s appeal is approved, the student will be placed on financial aid probation. This means that the student will be awarded financial aid for the subsequent academic term, contingent upon the student meeting the conditions specified in the appeal approval process.
- Students for whom it is determined that circumstances are such that it is unlikely they will be able to meet the standards by the next evaluation period will need to have a student academic plan put into place in order to demonstrate that the student will meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards by a specific point in time.
- Students on probationary status who succeed at meeting the Standards of Academic Progress during the subsequent academic term will be considered fully eligible for federal student aid.
- Students who, at the end of the probationary term, continue to fail to meet the standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress will be suspended from financial aid eligibility. Students who are suspended may submit a new appeal form to the Dean of Student Success.
Reinstatement of Eligibility:
Suspended students who subsequently meet all three of the Satisfactory Progress Standards and are in good standing regain their eligibility for federal financial aid.
Students whose appeals are denied may consider non-federal sources of student financial aid. Please contact the Mitchell Tech Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.
Academic Circumstances that Affect Your Status:
- Repeating Course Policy for Financial Aid Federal regulation limits the number of times a student may repeat a course and receive financial aid for that course.
If a student gets a ‘W’ or an ‘F’ in a course, that student is allowed to repeat the course and receive financial aid (assuming he/she is meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress) until he/she receives a ‘D’ or better. Once the student has received a ‘D’ grade or better, he/she can repeat the course one additional time and still receive federal aid.
When a course is repeated the most recent final grade will be used to determine eligibility. The prior grade is no longer calculated into the GPA at Mitchell Tech, however, the previous hours attempted will be counted as hours attempted when reviewing SAP completion rate and maximum time frame.
- Changes in major or double major may cause you to reach your maximum attempted hours, and lose your eligibility before earning a degree. Students who are pursuing dual degrees are subject to the maximum time frame rules but may be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Financial Aid office and the Dean of Student Success. Mitchell Tech reserves the right to review denied appeals, cumulative GPA’s and completion rates on a case by case basis. If a student changes or adds additional programs, the prior credits and grades that do count toward the new program are included in the SAP evaluation
- Incomplete grades, missing grades, failing grades, course withdrawals all reduce your completion ratio, because they are counted as attempted, but not earned credits. They also count against your maximum attempted hours.
- An incomplete grade will count as a failing grade until the final grade is posted
- Late posted grades or grade changes. Once notification is received from the Registrar’s Office of grade changes, the SAP status will be recalculated.
- Repeated courses count as attempted credit hours each time you register for them. They also count against the allowed maximum. This can also reduce your completion ratio because repeated credits count as earned credits only once. Only the last completed attempt is included in the GPA calculation.
- Transfer credits and credits taken while cross-registered count toward your maximum attempted credits and your completion ratio.
- Remedial and noncredit courses count as attempted and earned credits, but are not included in the GPA calculation.
- Dismissal and Return. Students who are suspended academically or choose not to attend because of SAP failure will not be automatically eligible for financial aid upon their return. Student must meet both qualitative and quantitative standards of SAP. If below standards, a student must appeal or use means other than financial aid for educational expenses. Absence does not restore eligibility for financial aid. It remains the responsibility of the student to be knowledgeable of their SAP standard when returning to school after dismissal or choosing not to return because of SAP Failure.
- Summer Term Courses. All hours attempted and completed in the summer terms are treated as any other semester hours in determining SAP status. SAP will be checked following the summer term as well.
- Credits while not receiving Title IV all credits appearing on student transcripts will be counted in calculations for determining SAP status, including those that may have been during terms in which a student was not receiving Title IV Aid.
Return of Title IV Policy
When a student receiving federal Title IV financial aid withdraws from Mitchell Technical College or stops attending classes without formally withdrawing during the enrollment period, the amount of the Title IV funds (not including Federal Work Study) that the student earned during the enrollment period is calculated as of the student’s withdrawal date. The student withdrawal date is determined by the student’s last date of attendance in an academic-related activity as recorded by their instructors.
If the date a student withdraws from Mitchell Technical College is prior to or on the 60% point of the semester, Mitchell Tech is required to determine the portion of the aid disbursed that was “earned” by the student before the withdrawal date. The “unearned” Title IV funds must be returned to the respective federal aid programs. Unearned aid is the amount of disbursed Title IV aid that exceeds the amount of Title IV aid earned based on attendance in the enrollment period.
Once the date of withdrawal is determined, the amount of earned federal financial aid is calculated using the completion rate for the enrollment period, multiplied by the total aid that was disbursed or could have been disbursed (aid “could have been disbursed” if the student was eligible to receive it at the time he/she withdrew and may receive it under late disbursement rules in 668.164 [g]). Students who withdraw after completing 60 percent of the payment period will be considered to have earned 100 percent of their federal financial aid unless they are enrolled in modules (see next paragraph). A payment period is the period established by the school for which institutional charges are generally assessed, excluding breaks of five days or more. Federal financial aid that a student has earned can be applied toward institutional charges.
Modules: federal regulations state that students who are enrolled in classes that do not span an entire term are considered to be enrolled in modules. If a student fails to complete all modules scheduled, the student is considered a withdrawal at the time the student ceases attendance, and the financial aid office is required to complete a return of Title IV calculation to determine how much federal financial aid funds were earned and return the amount that was considered unearned. The completion of 60 percent of term does not apply.
For students who fail to officially withdraw when they stop attending classes and are assigned an “F” grade for all courses for the semester, the Return to Title IV Funds policy requires Mitchell Technical College to calculate the “earned” aid based on the student’s last date of attendance. Unearned federal aid must be returned as described above.
In accordance with federal regulations and Mitchell Technical College policy, if you are eligible for a refund of tuition and fees, and you are a Title IV aid recipient for the enrollment period, the refund will be returned to the student aid programs. Returned Title IV Funds are allocated in the following order:
- Direct Unsubsidized Loans
- Direct Loans (subsidized)
- Federal Perkins Loans
- Direct PLUS Loans
- Federal Pell Grants
- Federal SEOG
Late or Post-Withdrawal Disbursement
Students may be eligible for a late or post-withdrawal disbursement if they have accepted aid that did not disburse at the time of withdrawal.
If eligible, the Mitchell Technical College Financial Aid Office will send notification of the action required to either accept or decline a portion, or all, of the late disbursement. If no response is received within approximately two weeks of notification, the award will be canceled.
Mitchell Technical College’s Responsibilities
Mitchell Tech’s responsibilities in regard to the Return of Title IV funds include
- providing each student with the Return of Title IV funds policy
- identifying students who are affected by this policy and completing the Return of Title IV Funds calculation for those students
- returning any Title IV funds that are due to the Title IV programs within 45 days of notification of the withdrawal
Student Responsibilities
Students who received a credit balance refund of their Title IV aid will be responsible to repay any portion of that aid that is “unearned.”
Please contact the Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.
Institutional Refund Policy
Mitchell Technical College realizes that students may find it necessary to withdraw from school entirely before a semester ends. The following applies to all students who withdraw entirely from Mitchell Tech. The process is effective for all terms (including summer) and applies whether a student is a full-time student or a part-time student.
Students must complete an Enrollment Termination Form and submit it to the Center for Student Success in order to terminate enrollment. The student’s last day of attendance will determine the calculation for return of Title IV financial aid funds.
Students withdrawing entirely from all coursework during the drop/add period (first 10 days of semester) will receive a 100% refund on tuition and fees. Students withdrawing entirely from all coursework after the drop/add period has expired will have refunds of tuition and fees calculated based upon the institutional refund policy.
This refund schedule applies to students who withdraw from all classes at MTI or who have paid a portion of their institutional charges* with resources other than Title IV aid:
Day 1-10 | 100% |
One week after Day 10 | 90% |
Three weeks after Day 10 | 70% |
Five weeks after Day 10 | 50% |
Seven weeks after Day 10 | 30% |
After Last Day to Withdraw with a “W” | No Refund |
*Institutional charges are tuition and fees only.
Students must complete an Enrollment Termination Form and submit it to the Center for Student Success in order to terminate enrollment. Failure to do so may result in no refund or a reduced amount. Any repayments to a Title IV program will be deducted from the refund. Refunds will be made to the party that paid the institutional charges within 30 days of the student’s date of official withdrawal or 30 days from the date that the Institute determines that the student is no longer enrolled at Mitchell Tech.
Special Circumstances
The federal government makes every effort to capture the family’s financial situation using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®); however, some families may be experiencing a hardship or unusual circumstance that is not reflected on the FAFSA. The Financial Aid Office will review these circumstances on a case-by-case basis to determine if it changes the student’s eligibility for aid.
We understand that there may be special circumstances that may have changed since you completed the FAFSA. The following are examples of additional special circumstances we may review on a case-by-case basis to determine if they change the student’s eligibility for aid.
- Loss of employment or reduction in income
- Loss of untaxed benefits (i.e., child support)
- Divorce
- Death
- Unusual medical expenses not covered by insurance
- One-time payout (i.e. life insurance proceeds) included as income on your tax return
Please contact the MTC Financial Aid Office if you wish to discuss your situation and discuss necessary documentation that must be submitted for review. Submitting a request and documentation does not guarantee an increase in financial aid, however.
Circumstances that do not warrant a review include unusual credit card debt, high living expenses, or refusal to pay for college.
Unusual Circumstances (Dependency Override Appeals)
If a student is considered dependent based on the criteria on the FAFSA, the student is required to provide parental information. In certain extreme situations, the student can appeal this with the Financial Aid Office. The student will need to meet with a Financial Aid Administrator, submit a letter of appeal, and provide supporting documentation such as letters from professionals aware of the situation, and applicable legal/court documentation.
In these very limited cases, an otherwise dependent student may be able to submit the FAFSA without parental information due to special circumstances, including:
- You left home due to an abusive or threatening environment;
- Are abandoned or estranged from your parents;
- Are a victim of human trafficking;
- Your parents are incarcerated and contact with them would pose a risk to you; or
- You are otherwise unable to contact or locate your parents.
The following are situations, in and of themselves, would not be considered a special circumstance for dependency status appeal:
- Your parents do not claim you as a dependent on their income taxes.
- You do not live with your parents and/or you and your parents disagree.
- Your parents refuse to provide their information on your FAFSA.
- Your parents do not contribute to your college expenses and/or you are self-supporting.
Net Price Calculator
Use this calculator to make an early estimate of your total annual cost of attending Mitchell Technical College. It is designed to estimate costs and eligibility for financial aid based on the information you enter about yourself and your family.
This tool is intended to provide general guidance in planning your educational financing and is not an application for financial aid.
Calculations are based on a full time undergraduate student entering in fall 2020. The results are dependent on the accuracy and completeness of the information you enter. The results are an estimate based on the 2020-2021 Mitchell Technical College costs and do not represent any guarantee of cost or your actual financial aid award. Your actual financial aid eligibility will be determined by the Mitchell Tech Financial Aid Office.