
Parent Information

At Mitchell Tech, we know parents have their own sets of concerns about where a son or daughter chooses to go to school. It’s not just about the academics; how will they adjust socially, financially, and emotionally?

Mitchell Tech prides itself on assisting students to achieve academic success and successfully transition to adulthood and the world of work. Your student will find an array of activities and services designed to help them grow, become well rounded and adaptable.

Parents can be important partners in their child’s success. However, it is important for parents to adapt a philiosophy of encouraging students to be self-advocating, active learners. At times, this means stepping back and allowing the student to resolve their problems or concerns on their own. Parents should begin to think of themselves as ‘coaches’ to enable students to grow, learn and foster life skills such as taking initiative, effective communication, conflict resolution and problem-solving skills—all skills that employers are seeking!

Use this section to get answers about your specific needs and never hesitate to contact us with your questions. We look forward to being a part of your extended family!

Student Success

Sometimes your student may need a little help along the way. The Center for Student Success is the first place you should recommend to your student to stop for valuable information or assistance. Or if you would like answers to your questions, you are always welcome to call or stop in. Here are some of the areas under the Center for Student Success umbrella.

Center for Student Success

The Center for Student Success houses the Director of Student Success, Student Success Coaches, Campus Counselors, Disabilities Services Coordinator, and Career Services Coordinator. All are available to work with students to find solutions to their academic, personal, counseling, and career-related questions.


Tutors for several course areas are available free of charge and is arranged by appointment. Interested students should contact a .

Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who are in need of accommodations to complete their program should contact a . Services provided will vary with need.

Counseling Services

Qualified counseling staff for students seeking personal counseling, career counseling is available during school hours or by appointment.

Career Services

Mitchell Tech’s full-time Career Services and Advising Director offers individualized assistance to program graduates by providing employment leads and in some instances bringing employment interviewers to campus. Several workshops and job-seeking activities are sponsored each year. The Career Services office maintains a comprehensive website for students to post resumes and for employers to post job openings. This office also works with Mitchell-area employers to list part-time job openings for Mitchell Tech students. For more information or job search assistance, contact the Career Services Coordinator.


Most parents are aware of the importance of good academic habits. Successful students will attend classes, study, complete assignments and get good grades. Here are a few things to know about academic life at Mitchell Tech.


Every student is expected to attend each meeting of all classes for which he or she is registered, to arrive on time and to stay for the full class period. Mitchell Tech recognizes that absences occur as a result of circumstances beyond a student’s control, as well as from a student’s failure to accept responsibility for attending class regularly. Students are encouraged to communicate with their instructors in the case of an absence.


Mitchell Technical Institute uses the four-point grading system. Grade points are awarded as follows: A = 4.0, B = 3.0, C = 2.0, D = 1.0, F = 0.0.  To calculate the grade point average or GPA, the grade points for the assigned grade in each course are multiplied by the number of attempted GPA hours for the course. This product is the GPA points for the course. The total GPA points for the grades earned in a semester are then divided by the total attempted credits (GPA hours) for the same semester. This result is the GPA.  Find a handy GPA calculator here.

President's List

The President’s List will be published at the end of each semester. The President’s List is used to give recognition to outstanding full-time students who earn a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Honors Designation

To earn an Honors Designation at graduation, the student must be an AAS candidate and earn a minimum cumulative GPA calculated from all coursework at Mitchell Tech. High Honors are awarded to those with a cumulative GPA of 3.75 or higher. Honors are awarded to those students with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 – 3.74. Honors are not calculated per individual program.


Some programs at Mitchell Tech require students to complete a credit-bearing internship experience before officially graduating. Parents are encouraged to support their students during this important phase of experiential education. Some internships are compensated; many are not. All students enrolled in an internship are required to pay tuition and fees like they would pay for any other academic credit. Learn more about a student’s internship experience here.


BYOD Programs

BYOD is an acronym for Bring Your Own Device. In a BYOD program you can purchase your own laptop or purchase one through Mitchell Tech, but a laptop is required in selected programs. If you choose to purchase your own laptop from an outside vendor, there are minimum specifications available from the Mitchell Tech Admissions Office.

Laptop Computers

Some Mitchell Tech programs require a laptop computer so that students can effectively integrate computing skills with their technical education. Many resources that instructors assign are online or require specialty software. To address these needs, Mitchell Tech requires students entering a laptop program to purchase their laptop computer online at The cost for a laptop averages about $1,000. Please note that laptops come fully loaded with the required software.

Campus Services

Help Desk

Mitchell Tech’s IT department maintains a Help Desk for students. Help with technology issues may be requested online or via telephone. A link to the Help Desk is included at the top of the homepage.

Food Service

Meals are served in the Campus Center for a charge. Students are encouraged to use the Café Cash cashless payment system. Parents are able to load funds into a student’s account allowing him or her to make food purchases from the Chef’s Café. Deposits in the amount of $500, $250 and $125 may be made. The student makes the purchase with a student ID card. Only the holder of the ID card may use it for Café purchases. Any balance at the end of the fall semester will be transferred to the spring semester. Any balance remaining at the end of the spring semester will be forfeited. Refunds may be issued to students who withdraw from school in the first ten days of the semester in which the Café Cash was purchased. Please stop at the Mitchell Tech Business Office to put money on your Café Cash account.

The Campus Store

Students may purchase required books through the online bookstore. Students may purchase tools, supplies, school theme items and gift certificates in the Campus Store located in the Campus Center. Students may request a voucher to charge the cost of books at the online bookstore against their financial aid IF the award exceeds the amount due to the school. In order to do this, the financial aid process needs to be completed and the Campus Store staff will approve and create the voucher. Cash, check, or credit card can be used for purchases. Students may also purchase their books from other online vendors.

Graduation Cap, Gown, and Tassel

Graduation gowns are purchased in the Mitchell Tech Campus Store for a nominal charge and are required for participation in the graduation ceremony. If a student is graduating with honors, honor cords will be provided by Mitchell Tech.

Student ID Cards

ID cards are required for all students. Each student should have an ID photo taken before beginning classes at Mitchell Tech. Cards are required as identification for the Business Office and for campus printing services. Money may be deposited into the student’s Café Cash account and the card may be used to purchase meals and snacks in the Chef’s Café. The student ID card also gives Mitchell Tech student access to the Campus Fitness Center and can be used to receive discounts at many Mitchell businesses. Replacement fee for lost cards is $30.


First, you should know that parking at Mitchell Tech is absolutely FREE. No parking permit is needed. However, there are a few designated reserved parking areas on campus and they are clearly marked. Students need to refrain from parking in the designated visitor sections and fire lanes.



For most parents, the major question and concern is how much it will cost for your student to attend Mitchell Tech. The cost of attending will vary depending upon the program your son or daughter chooses and the number of enrolled credit hours per semester.

Tuition And Fees

The tuition is set by the South Dakota Board of Technical Education. Tuition and fees are due when classes begin. There is no difference between resident and non-resident tuition.

View Tuition & Fees

Matriculation Fee

Upon notification of acceptance, applicants must return a matriculation form along with a $60 non-refundable matriculation fee to reserve a spot in a program.

Tuition Deposit

Tuition deposits will be required once a program is full. The tuition deposit is $150 for all full programs. This is a tuition deposit and will be applied to the student’s tuition bill the first semester of classes. In case a student opts not to attend, the tuition deposit is non-refundable.

Additional Expenses

Students are required to purchase designated book, supplies, tools and uniforms as assigned by the instructor in each course. Most programs specify tools and/or uniforms that are characteristic of the occupation for which the student is enrolled. Many of these materials can be purchased online (textbooks and laptopstoolsscrubs).

Students who enroll need to prepare for some initial expenses at the start of the term. Please help students budget accordingly when making school plans.

Indebtedness Policy

Any student having unpaid bills at Mitchell Tech will not be allowed to register in any new term during the period in which that bill remains unsettled. Indebtedness includes unpaid amounts for tuition, books, fees, library, shop/laboratories, and any other charges incurred by the student and owed to the Institute. Grades, transcripts, diplomas, degrees, and certificates will not be issued until the indebtedness is settled.

Return Of Title Iv Funds Policy

Students attending Mitchell Technical College who withdraw from all classes before 60% of a semester or term has lapsed are entitled to have a portion of their institutional costs returned to the federal financial aid program that provided the funds. 

Financial aid disbursed is earned according to what percentage of a semester the student has attended. If a student has attended only 10% of a semester and withdraws, the student has earned only that portion of financial aid and the remaining 90% must be returned to the financial aid program(s). Also, the Institute retains only that portion of the institutional costs and will return the remaining amount to the student’s financial aid program(s) that provided the funds.

If the amount of the Institute’s refund does not satisfy the portion of funds that must be returned, it becomes the student’s responsibility to satisfy the remaining amount. Therefore, students receiving Federal Pell Grants and Federal Supplemental Grants may have to return a portion of these funds if that amount exceeds institutional charges. An example of how the policy works can be found here.

Pell Grant Refunds

If a student with a Pell Grant drops to less than full-time status during the first ten days of the semester, any refund goes to the student’s Pell Grant.

Appeals Process

Students may appeal their refund amount to a committee consisting of the Dean of Student Success, the Director of Financial Aid and the Financial Comptroller/CFO if extenuating circumstances forced the student to withdraw from Mitchell Tech. Please note:  The Mitchell Tech Campus Store is a separate entity and abides by a separate refund policy on a case-by-case basis.

Returned Checks

Checks returned marked “insufficient funds” or “no account” will result in a $30.00 service charge being assessed to the student. No more checks will be accepted by the school until the charge and fee have been paid.


Helping Your Student

Parents . . . Having your child begin a college education can be a stressful experience for you, especially if your child hasn’t lived away from home before. During this important time of transition for the family, many parents wonder what to do, how to help their children when they are away from home. Following are some tips on what you can do to help your child from a distance.

Stay In Touch!

Even though your child is experimenting with independent choices, he or she still needs to know that you’re there and are available to talk over both normal events and difficult issues. Make arrangements to text, call, or Facetime your child on a regular basis.

Allow Space For Your Child To Set The Agenda For Some Of Your Conversations.

Engaging in open conversations with your young adult may come more naturally when you interact with them as capable and growing individuals. This style of communication may encourage your student to come to you when or if they need support.

Be Realistic With Your College Student About Financial Matters.

Most students come to school with a fairly detailed plan about how tuition, fees, books, and room and board will be paid for, and what the family’s expectations are about spending money. Being specific at the outset may help avoid misunderstandings later.

Be Realistic As Well About Academic Achievement, Attendance, And Grades.

Learning how to work independently, having regular attendance in all courses, and acquiring good study habits are some of the skills your child needs to develop while enrolled at Mitchell Tech. Depending on past academic performance, your student may find courses very challenging. It’s important that your students understands that technical education will not be an easy ride.

Every student has to work at doing well, regardless of whether they were an “A” or “C” average student in high school. A significant difference between technical education and the typical college academic environment is that instructors at technical colleges usually have strict attendance policies. Grades are often affected by a student’s attendance. Encourage your student to attend regularly, and to communicate with instructors when unforeseen events come up that will prevent them from going to class.

If Your Child Does Experience Difficulties At Mitchell Tech, Encourage Them To Take Advantage Of The Resources Available To Students.

For academic issues, talking with department instructors is the first step, but the Center for Student Success staff are also available to help. For personal issues, confidential visits may be arranged with a Student Success Coach. If your child requires services beyond the scope of what is offered at Mitchell Tech, the staff maintain strong working relationships with resources available within the Mitchell community. Everyone is willing to help your student find the assistance needed to be successful.


Mitchell Tech, as well as all other colleges and technical institutes, must abide by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s personal educational records.

Your son or daughter comes home from Mitchell Tech for the weekend and you ask him or her how classes are going, what kinds of grades is he/she getting, etc.  The answers you receive are little more than grunts and “okay.” To find out more, you call Mitchell Tech and ask the Center for Student Success staff for more information and they say they can’t tell you anything!  Why not?

Mitchell Tech, as well as all other colleges and technical institutes, must abide by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a federal law designed to protect the privacy of a student’s personal educational records. The basic policy states that no information (other than directory information) will be released without written permission from the student. This means that written and dated permission is required from your son or daughter before information can be released to you, even as the student’s parent or legal guardian. Your child will be asked to complete a form at orientation indicating if they allow anyone to receive academic information. If you want to have access, encourage him or her to say “yes” on that form!

All grades are posted through MyTech. The student can access this information by logging on with a username and password. View the login page here. Your child will need to provide you with that information or you can sit down with them at your home computer and have them show you their grades.

For more information on the FERPA policy, please check out their website for parents. FERPA is administered by the U.S. Department of Education