Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP)
Mitchell Technical College works with all kinds of industries to help students access the best possible job opportunities.
With Mitchell Tech’s Workforce Recruitment Program, students apply for a “partnership” with a sponsoring company. If you, as a partner company approve, your company will pay all or part of the student’s tuition and fees (to be determined in advance) for semesters 2, 3, and 4 of a two-year program. The student agrees to work for you after graduation in a relevant job at a competitive wage.
For more information, contact
Clayton Deuter
Vice President for Enrollment Services
605.995.7132 or 1.800.684.1969
Your company will be involved throughout the admissions and selection process, assuring that the student is a good fit for your organization.
Your company will also provide a paid internship experience for your student, giving you a chance to assess their skills and abilities midway through the program.
What do you do?
- Assist in recruiting and screening candidates
- Provide job-shadowing experiences
- Interview prospective students for program acceptance
- Provide a paid internship between the first and second years of the program
- Offer full-time employment with competitive wages once the student graduates (not a contractual obligation)
What does the student do?
- Meets the program requirements to enroll
- Submits to a background check and a drug screening
- Maintains a GPA of at least 2.5
- Regularly attends all classes
- Completes a paid internship with the company
- Takes the MTC Student Success course
- Signs an agreement to remain employed with the business after graduation for the predetermined number of years
- Has all funds received forgiven if the terms of the contract are fulfilled
- Is obligated to reimburse the company for funds received upon default of the agreement by the student
If you would like to take an active role in educating and developing your future workforce, consider the Workforce Recruitment Program. It’s a great way to invest in your company’s future.
Your WRP contributions will be processed by the Mitchell Tech Foundation, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit entity.