
Make A Donation

Ways To Help

Mitchell Tech is geared up to train the next generation of skilled workers, but constantly changing technology means that we need to continually modify equipment and labs to keep pace with changing industry trends.   

You can be a part of providing the next generation of skilled workers the education and training they need.  Your contribution can provide a scholarship or program support, both of which help to fulfill our top needs. 

To Donate

Click on the “Donate Today” button below or send a check to:

Mitchell Technical College Foundation
1800 E. Spruce Street
Mitchell, SD 57301
(Make checks payable to Mitchell Tech Foundation.)

Please call us with any questions at 605.995.7119.

Ways to Give:

Donations may include gifts of:

  • Cash
  • Tribute or Memorial Gifts
  • Retirement Fund Assets
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Real Estate
  • Matching Gifts
  • Gifts In-Kind (subject to approval by the Mitchell Technical College Foundation according to Gift Acceptance Policy.)

Make An Online Donation

Thank you for considering a contribution to a project that will create a brighter future for students, secure the industry’s workforce, and strengthen the economic future of South Dakota. Please click one of the buttons below and make a difference to Mitchell Technical College students!

Giving Plans


A specific bequest can be listed in the will to give money to the Mitchell Technical College Foundation. It can be a specific dollar amount or a percentage of the donor’s estate.

Retirement Plan Assets

A donor could name the Mitchell Technical College Foundation as a beneficiary on their retirement accounts. If they want their spouse to be the primary beneficiary, they can name the Foundation as the contingent beneficiary.

Life Insurance

Again, the donor can list the Mitchell Technical College Foundation as a beneficiary to the life insurance policy.

Real Estate

Land and property can be gifted directly to the Mitchell Technical College Foundation.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A donor can give money or assets to the Mitchell Technical College Foundation in exchange for the Foundation to pay a fixed amount back to the donor for life or a term of years.

Annuity Trust

A trust that is created to pay the donor a fixed amount every year. This would be beneficial to the donor by knowing a fixed amount that they will be receiving for budgeting purposes.


A trust that is created to pay the donor a percentage of the income every year.

Charitable Lead Trust

A trust created where the income from the assets in the trust are donated to the Mitchell Technical College Foundation throughout the donor’s lifetime. Upon the death of the donor, the beneficiary would get the principal.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A trust created where the income from the assets in the trust go to a specific beneficiary throughout the donor’s lifetime. Upon the death of the donor, the Mitchell Technical College Foundation would get the principal.

Individual Appreciated Assets

When an asset has appreciated greatly in value there would be a capital gain incurred when selling that asset. A donor could gift that asset to the Mitchell Technical College Foundation and there would be no capital gain incurred. A good example would be stock or real estate.