Service Coordinator
Benefits Specialist
Corrections Officer
Residential Assistant
Case Manager
Unit Manager
Social Work Associate
Mental Health Aide
Youth Supervisor
Victim’s Advocate
The Human Services Technician program is designed to prepare students for positions in a variety of agencies and organizations that provide human and social services to all ages, from children to seniors. Students will learn to adapt to many different types of situations through classroom activities and fieldwork experiences under the supervision of experienced instructors and working professionals.
When you enroll in the Human Services Technician program at Mitchell Tech, you will spend two years (four semesters) preparing to work in a fast-growing occupation, well-versed in the skills needed to provide vital information, advocacy, care, and support to people of diverse cultural, racial, and ethnic backgrounds. The AAS degree will prepare students for work in residential facilities for youth or adults, case management, retirement communities, substance abuse facilities, nursing homes, assisted living, and agencies that deal with juvenile and criminal justice.
Graduates of the Mitchell Technical College Human Services Technician program are eligible to sit for the Social Work Associates exam for the Social Work Associate level of licensure in South Dakota.
Award: AAS Degree
First Semester
An interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of human services. This course introduces students to the skills necessary for entry level, professional work and allows students to explore themselves as potential human services professionals. The helping processions will be examined, including a brief history of social welfare and human service agencies.
3 creditsCommunity resources benefit individuals and families. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of community agencies, resources, and programs. This course will provide a broad overview of the resources and services available to a diverse population. Students examine agencies’ professional practices, as well as how these individuals resources fit into the community as a whole.
3 creditsGeneral information about human populations. Students will be introduced to a variety of people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, as well as information about the worldview or orientation that guides each culture. Discussions will involve the professional skills and awareness necessary for cultural sensitivity and bias along with age appropriate interactions.
3 creditsAn introduction to working with people with disabilities. This course begins with brief overview of specific developmental disabilities. Included is general information regarding special education, residential services, vocational services, and other services for children and adults with disabilities. Students will explore personal beliefs and biases regarding people with disabilities.
2 creditsPresents a behavior change approach in terms of basic principles, theory and treatment. This course will use science-based principles and procedures such as positive reinforcement, extinction, shaping, conditioning and modeling. Other topics covered will include behavioral techniques specific to Human Service Agencies in the Mitchell and surrounding areas.
2 creditsOverview of computer applications with emphasis on e-mail, word processing, spreadsheets, database, presentation tools and Internet-based technology. This course will cover the Microsoft Office Suite, Microsoft Teams and cloud-based technologies such as GoogleDrive and OneDrive.
3 creditsProvides a foundation for gaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for college success. Students will learn to make a successful transition to higher education by setting up a pattern of success that will last the rest of their lives. Students will define goals and develop thinking skills, learning strategies and personal qualities essential to both academic and career success. Please note: Students who have served active military duty (excluding basic training and AIT) may be exempt from the Student Success course. Student must provide a copy of DD214 or other official military documentation to the registrar for verification.
1 creditSecond Semester
A basic course in chemical, substance abuse and dependency. Students will be given brief overview of common chemical and substance abuses. The physiological, psychological, and social aspects of chemical and substance abuse will be examined. The role of the human services professional in assessing alcohol and drug abuse and dependency will be studied.
3 creditsThis course discusses the different types of abuse and neglect involving children and adults and explores the definitions, indicators and causes of abuse, neglect and domestic violence. Students will learn about mandatory reporting laws and state welfare system. Investigation, assessment, and prevention efforts are highlighted.
3 creditsThe exchange of information between clients and the human service technician is crucial to the helping relationship. This course will introduce students to basic interviewing and record keeping skills as practiced in human services and community agencies. Skillful interviewing strategies will be observed and practiced through simulated activities and role playing.
3 creditsThis course covers topics concerning wellness, holistic health, mind-body connection, health and wellness models, mental wellness, positive self-concept, stress management, diet, nutrition, weight control, aerobic and strength building exercise, healthy lifestyle behaviors and applications to life. Professional boundaries and guidelines are discussed to promote healthy working relationships.
2 creditsTracing the stages of human life from infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood into old age. This course covers the emotional, psychosocial, and developmental stages throughout the life cycle. Students will study the implications of these stages in a variety of professional and social settings.
3 creditsThird Semester
This course evaluates the significance of family and its impact on the well-being of individuals and society. Students will explore how the family meets the needs of each member and the family as a whole including the impact of differences, perspectives, and the effects of crisis.
3 creditsStudy of human behavior with emphasis on emotional and mental abnormalities and modes of treatment. The student will identify common mental illnesses and maladaptive behavior; to assist in planning client care. Discuss trends in the management of the individual and medical and psychological treatment.
3 creditsProvides an introduction to the techniques and applications of group work. Different types of groups, the phases of group development, and common group dynamics will be introduced. Students will gain understanding of concepts and skills when working with various groups.
3 credits2 credits
Prepares students to enter internship. Students will begin to make the transition from classroom learning to a professional setting. On-site visits to various community agencies will be made. Topics include reinforcement in: supervisory relationships, safety issues, computer applications, data collection, record keeping, professionalism, and confidentiality.
2 creditsFourth Semester
Theory of crisis intervention and stage of crisis. Presented will be human service worker’s expected philosophy, knowledge, techniques and skills needed for working with people in crisis. Crisis intervention techniques will be examined, as well as models of conflict resolution.
2 creditsFocuses on human aging. Social, economic, and health issues related to the aging process will be discussed. Agencies, services, and programs that are available to the elderly will be explored.
2 creditsFocuses on the corrections system in the United States. Students will learn about the correctional process of probation, institutionalization, and parole, along with human services careers within the corrections system. Services and programs available in the community and within institutions will be studied.
2 creditsFocuses on individuals under the age of eighteen. Topics to be covered will include child development, parental influence, social, economic, and health issues related to youth. Students will learn about agencies, services, and programs available to youth and parents/guardians.
2 creditsThis course will review the development of American social welfare policy and involve the student in current issues of social welfare programs and policy. The course will provide a basic overview of American social policy and program development in such areas as poverty and income maintenance, employment, housing, health care, and social service organization. Throughout emphasis will be placed on the understanding of policies and programs in the social, economic and political context and the effect of these policies and programs on individuals and society. Students will achieve a familiarity with social welfare programs including SSI, SSDI, TANF, CHIP, WIC, etc.
2 credits
Supervised work experience with an appropriate agency. Students will fine-tune their professional skill development through work with diverse populations in an approved setting. Students will have an opportunity to request internship sites based on their interest, strengths and employment goals.
6 creditsThis course trains participants to provide first aid, CPR, and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). Students must complete the hands-on skill session. This class is offered for credit as a Pass/No Pass course.
0.5 creditsRequirements
All students applying to the Human Services Technician program must submit to a criminal background check at the student’s expense. Mitchell Technical College has partnered with CastleBranch to complete your background check. You will need to create a username and password. Details are available from the Admissions office. Please click here to begin the process.
Program immunization requirements have to be met before entrance to fieldwork sites. See the instructor for details.
Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all technical courses as a prerequisite to HST 290. Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in their fieldwork in order to graduate.
This program allows you to bring your own laptop as long as it meets these minimum specifications:
Processor – Intel Core i Series (i3, i5, i7) or AMD Ryzen
Operating System – Windows 10
Webcam Recommended
Memory – 4 GB or more
Internal Storage – 64 GB or more
Microsoft Office is available at no charge as long as enrolled at Mitchell Tech
At the completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
- Demonstrate skills to professionally interact with human service professionals, partnering agencies, and clients
- Apply ethical and legal conduct to professional situations
- Demonstrate skillset to work with vulnerable and disenfranchised populations
- Identify community resources to manage and support human services delivery
- Exhibit understanding of cultural competence with diverse populations
- Apply theories, best practices, and skills to identify, plan, and support client situations
- Apply effective interviewing skills
- Use oral and written skills effectively
- Apply critical thinking to real-world situations
- Recognize warning signs of compassion fatigue
Annual Program Review
Check out the 2024-25 Annual Program Review for information on how faculty ensure the quality and effectiveness of the program.
Other Required Costs
Books / Tools (estimated) | $648 |
Osterhaus Endowed Scholarships
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Mitchell Tech Retiree Endowed Scholarship
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
Office Technology Specialist
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Laverne & Nell Tollefson Memorial Scholarship
Charlene Bainbridge
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Administrative Office Specialist
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Engineering Technology
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Diesel Power – Light Truck Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
On Campus
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Progressive Welding Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Registered Nursing (LPN to RN)
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
John And Diane Weber “Career Change” Endowed Scholarship
John and Diane Weber Family and Friends
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Daniel Roy Todd Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Todd Family
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
BPO Elks #1059 Endowed Scholarship
BPO Elks #1059
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology