Medical Lab Technician
The Medical Laboratory Technology program will prepare students for employment as medical laboratory technicians responsible for performing laboratory analysis. The program is accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS).
A student spends the first three semesters of the program in the classroom and lab at Mitchell Technical College. The remainder of the program assigns students to an affiliated hospital/clinic lab for a clinical practicum externship. During this time the student will work under the supervision of the lab personnel performing tests and other lab work as well as completing class assignments.
Graduates may test to become certified as Medical Laboratory Technicians by the Board of Certification.
The MLT Student Handbook is available HERE.
Award: AAS Degree
First Semester
Vocabulary and terms used in the medical professions. Meanings of root words, prefixes and suffixes are studied. Proficiency is gained in analyzing medical words and in understanding how the word elements relate and apply to medicine. (A grade of ”C” or higher required to continue in medical programs.)
3 creditsBasic anatomy and physiology of the human body. Systems studied include integumentary, musculo-skeletal, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, urinary, digestive, endocrine and reproductive. (A grade of ”C” or higher required to continue in medical programs.)
4 creditsIntroduction to medical laboratory work with specific reference to the role, ethics, conduct, certification, education, employment and fundamental knowledge and skills related to medical laboratory personnel. Basic mathematics review and lab related math such as the metric system, temperature conversions, concentration units, dilutions, ratios and statistics used in quality control are covered. Included in this course is laboratory safety to include physical, chemical and biological hazards, laboratory safety, barriers and isolation techniques. Students are instructed in the collection and preparation of specimens to include venipunctures and capillary sticks, reporting of laboratory results and quality assurance methods.
3 creditsBasic design of advanced laboratory automation equipment. Course materials include laboratory glassware, microscopes, centrifuges, balances and scales, pipetting, spectrophotometry, turbidometry, nephelometry, ion selective electrodes, electrophoresis, chromatography and advanced quality assurance.
2 creditsThis course is designed to develop students’ problem-solving skills and quantitative reasoning through topics including: problem-solving processes, logic, percentages, measurement, ratios and proportions, statistics, linear equations, geometry and trigonometry, and personal finance.
3 creditsProvides a foundation for gaining the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for college success. Students will learn to make a successful transition to higher education by setting up a pattern of success that will last the rest of their lives. Students will define goals and develop thinking skills, learning strategies and personal qualities essential to both academic and career success. Please note: Students who have served active military duty (excluding basic training and AIT) may be exempt from the Student Success course. Student must provide a copy of DD214 or other official military documentation to the registrar for verification.
1 creditSecond Semester
Theory and practical application of the coagulation pathway to include factors involved in coagulation tests: capillary fragility, prothrombin times, partial thromboplastin times and fibrinogen assays. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in ML 104 and ML 105.
2 creditsAnatomy, physiology and related pathology of the circulatory system with specific reference to the formation, function and identification of blood cells. Major emphasis is on the related theory and performance of hematological procedures such as sample identification, collection and preparation; automated leukocyte and erythrocyte counts; hemoglobin and hematocrit measurements; WBC differential; leukocyte and erythrocyte morphology; RBC indices; erythrocyte sedimentation rate; platelet count; reticulocyte count; and eosinophil count. Automated hematological equipment is included. Specific methodologies in common use in medical laboratories and quality control standards are followed. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in ML 104 and ML 105.
6 creditsAnatomy, physiology and related to pathology of the urinary system. Major emphasis is on the related theory and performance of physical, chemical and microscopic analysis of urine as well as collection, preservation and proper reporting of analysis. Certain renal function tests and occult blood are covered. Emphasis is placed on anatomy, physiology and related pathology of body fluids to include feces, semen, seminal fluid, synovial fluid, serous fluid, spinal fluid and the collection, preparation, preservation and analysis of those fluids. An introduction to cell counts of other body fluids is covered. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in ML 104 and ML 105.
3 creditsGeneral and biological chemistry with applications specific to the medical laboratory. The student will become familiar with chemical terminology, the atomic structure, ionic and molecular compounds, organic chemistry and acid and base balance. The biochemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes and hormones are presented and their relationship to the medical laboratory is studied. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in this course is required before enrolling in ML 230.
3 creditsBasic genetics, immunology and serology. The student will acquire an understanding of the immune system including antigen/antibody reactions, origin, stimulation, body response and rejection. A study of the immunoglobulins, complement and classifications of immunity, precipitation and agglutination reactions is included. Serological tests include the related theory and performance of procedures to include hepatitis, rubella, Epstein-Barr virus, AIDS, CRP, RA, FANA, cold agglutinins, pregnancy, streptococcal diseases and autoimmune diseases. Immunoassay principles and practical applications are covered. Prerequisite: Grade of C or higher in ML 104 and ML 105.
3 creditsThis class is designed to develop students’ skills in critical reading and in a range of writing tasks. It allows students to go beyond matters of comprehension and summary to evaluate and extend everything they read. It will assist students in discovering something meaningful to say and to use writing as a way to actively participate in discussions about certain subjects; it will also enable students to approach a topic in a creative manner, gather and evaluate information, organize ideas, write coherent sentences, and learn to revise and edit drafts.
This course includes review techniques for correct mechanics, grammar, and sentence construction. It introduces students to professional and technical writing, and it assists students in developing strategies for collaborative writing.
Prerequisite: ENGL 098 or qualifying placement score.
3 creditsThird Semester
Basic clinical chemistry and diagnostic analysis. Included are analytical chemical procedures such as identification, collection, handling, standardization and quality control, carbohydrate tests, renal function tests, proteins including electrophoresis, electrolytes, enzymes, liver function tests, therapeutic drug monitoring, endocrinology and toxicology. Automated instrumentation is emphasized. Prerequisite: a grade of C or higher is required in ML 104, ML 105 and ML 144.
4 creditsClassification, identification and pathology of disease-causing organisms such as bacteria, fungus, yeasts, viruses, rickettsiae and parasites. Major emphasis is on the related theory and performance of microbiological procedures such as sterilization, collection and preparation of specimens, culturing methods, media preparation, staining techniques, antibiotic sensitivity testing and identification of commonly cultured bacteria. Prerequisite: a grade of C or higher is required in ML 104 and ML 105.
6 creditsBasic immunohematological aspects of blood factors and their relationship to blood transfusion and disease states. Topics include the history, identification, inheritance of blood factors and antigen-antibody relationships involving detection of blood factors. Major emphasis is on the related theory and performance of immunohematological procedures such as ABO grouping, Rh typing, identification of blood factors, direct coombs, antibody screening and identification, compatibility testing, transfusion of blood and blood components, selection, collection, storage of donor blood and quality assurance. Prerequisite: A grade of C or higher in ML 171.
3 creditsThis course meets CDC, OSHA and NFPA guidelines for basic life support. It focuses on immediate life-threatening situations, demonstrates quick, effective responses and presents perspectives on how frequently these situations occur. It is ideal for professionals such as firefighters, police, paramedics, lifeguards, athletic trainers, medical assistants and other medical professionals. Topics covered include the professional rescuer’s role in emergencies; victim’s condition assessment; basic life support; rescue breathing; cardiac emergencies; airway obstructions; AED use; and resuscitation in special situations. This class is offered for credit as a Pass/No Pass course.
0.5 creditsFourth Semester
Hematology which includes hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocyte count; WBC differential; sed rate; erythrocyte count; platelet count; reticulocyte count; eosinophil count; clotting time; prothrombin time; activated partial thromboplastin time; preparation of bone marrow smears. Experience is gained through obtaining blood samples to include venipuncture, capillary puncture and arterial blood gases. Additional hematological procedures may be performed at the option of the affiliated laboratory. This course is included in the clinical practicum semester.
4 creditsUrinalysis which includes physical and chemical tests; microscopic identification of formed elements; collection and preparation of 24-hour samples for quantitative tests; pregnancy tests; renal function tests of urine, feces and spinal fluid and other body fluids. Additional urinalysis procedures may be performed at the option of the affiliated laboratory. This course is included in the clinical practicum semester.
3 creditsMicrobiology includes collecting, setting up, plating, incubating, transporting and transferring microbiological cultures; identification of organisms involving common techniques such as gram stain, special stains, biochemical tests, coagulase and catalase tests and antibiotic susceptibility tests. Serological procedures might include RPR, streptococcus antigens and antibodies, infectious mono tests, RA, pregnancy, HIV, hepatitis, FANA, RSO, influenza A and B and C-RP tests. Preparation of samples for parasitology, mycology and virology study are included at the option of the affiliated laboratory. This course is included in the clinical practicum semester.
5 creditsImmunohematology: which includes blood banking, ABO grouping, Rh typing, direct and indirect coombs testing, antibody screening and compatibility testing. Selection of blood donors, collection of blood for transfusion, storage of blood and blood components and quality control are included. Additional blood banking procedures may be included at the option of the affiliated medical laboratory. This course is included in the clinical practicum semester.
4 creditsFifth Semester
- It is required that applicants to the program have successfully completed high school algebra, chemistry and biology with a C (2.0) or better to demonstrate proficiency in math and science. In addition, an applicant must have a cumulative high school GPA of 2.5 or higher. Some special requirements may have to be met before entrance to the program or to certain clinical sites. See the Program Director or the MLT Student Handbook for details.
- All students accepted to the Medical Laboratory Technology program must submit to a criminal background check at the student’s expense. Mitchell Technical College has partnered with CastleBranch to complete your background check. You will need to create a username and password. Details are available from the Admissions office. Please click here to begin the process.
Some immunization requirements may have to be met before entrance to certain clinical sites. See the Instructor for details.
Students must have earned a grade of C or better in all previous technical courses before enrolling in clinical courses.
After three semesters on campus, the remainder of the program pairs students with an affiliated hospital or clinic lab for a clinical practicum externship. During this time, the student will work under the supervision of the lab personnel, as well as complete class assignments. For 2024-25 externships, students are assigned to: Avera Queen of Peace Hospital, Mitchell, SD.
Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or higher in all technical courses including the clinical practicum in order to graduate.
This program allows you to bring your own laptop as long as it meets these minimum specifications:
Processor – Intel Core i Series (i3, i5, i7) or AMD Ryzen
Operating System – Windows 10
Webcam Recommended
Memory – 4 GB or more
Internal Storage – 64 GB or more
Microsoft Office is available at no charge as long as enrolled at Mitchell Tech
Upon completion of the program, graduates will be eligible to sit for the Medical Laboratory Technician, MLT(ASCP) certification exam with the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification. South Dakota and many other states do not require additional licensure to practice as a Medical Laboratory Technician. Licensure is currently required in 11 states. The requirements of the law vary from state to state. If you plan to locate in a state with licensure requirements, that state should be contacted for specific information on how to obtain licensure. Generally, you will need to demonstrate that you have graduated from an accredited MLT program (MTC’s program meets this requirement) and have obtained MLT(ASCP) certification. California has its own certification exam.
Licensure is not required in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.
Mitchell Technical College has determined that our program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure in the following states: Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia.
Mitchell Technical College has made no determination that our program’s curriculum meets the educational requirements for licensure in the following states: California, District of Columbia, Florida, New York, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands.
For further information regarding practicing as a Medical Laboratory Technician in other states, please visit the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science website: https://www.ascls.org/advocacy-issues/licensure. You may also contact Director of Admissions Heather Kulm (605.995.7342) for questions regarding licensure.
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of the program, graduates will be able to:
Demonstrate competency in the clinical setting.
- Demonstrate competency in clinical chemistry
- Demonstrate competency in clinical hematology / phlebotomy
- Demonstrate competency in clinical urinalysis
- Demonstrate competency in clinical microbiology
- Demonstrate competency in clinical immunology / immunohematology
Think critically.
- Demonstrate good judgment and decision-making in the clinical setting
- Correlate test results with clinical significance and patient history
- Recognize emergency patient conditions and initiate appropriate procedures
Communicate effectively.
- Demonstrate effective written communication skills
- Demonstrate effective oral communication skills
Demonstrate professional attitudes, behaviors, growth and ethics.
- Conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner
- Work effectively with supervisory personnel
- Join a professional organization
- Know and follow safety rules
Graduate as entry-level technologists who demonstrate professional ethics through their attitudes and behaviors.
- Pass the BOC exam
- Perform as entry-level medical laboratory technicians
- Find employment within 12 months of graduation
- Graduate after beginning the final half of the program
Annual Program Review
Check out the 2024-25 Annual Program Review for information on how faculty ensure the quality and effectiveness of the program.
Accreditation and Outcome Data
The Mitchell Tech Medical Laboratory Technology program, offered for the AAS degree, is accredited through October 2026 by:
The National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences
5600 N. River Rd. Suite 720
Rosemont, IL 60018-5119
Current length of accreditation: 10 years
3-year average certification exam rate for Medical Laboratory Technology graduates (American Society for Clinical Pathology) | |||
Year Graduated | Candidates | Passing* | Percentage Passing |
7/1/23-6/30/24 | 8 | 8 | 100% |
7/1/22-6/30/23 | 5 | 4 | 80% |
7/1/21-6/30/22 | 8 | 8 | 100% |
3-Year Total | 21 | 20 | 95% |
3-year average program completion rate for Medical Laboratory Technology | |||
Year Graduated | Number Beginning Final Half of Program | Number Graduating | Completion Rate |
7/1/23-6/30/24 | 9 | 8 | 89% |
7/1/22-6/30/23 | 5 | 5 | 100% |
7/1/21-6/30/22 | 11 | 10 | 91% |
3-Year Total | 25 | 23 | 92% |
3-year average placement rate for Medical Laboratory Technology program graduates | |||
Year Graduated | Number Responding Graduates | Number Employed in MLT or Continuing Ed | Placement Rate |
7/1/23-6/30/24 | 8 | 8 | 100% |
7/1/22-6/30/23 | 5 | 5 | 100% |
7/1/21-6/30/22 | 10 | 10 | 100% |
3-Year Total | 23 | 23 | 100% |
*NAACLS has defined the certification examination pass rate as the number of graduates who pass the American Society for Clinical Pathology BOC examination compared with the number of graduates who take the examination within the first year of graduation.
Other Required Costs
Books / Tools (estimated) | $936 |
Osterhaus Endowed Scholarships
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Mitchell Tech Retiree Endowed Scholarship
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
Office Technology Specialist
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Laverne & Nell Tollefson Memorial Scholarship
Charlene Bainbridge
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Administrative Office Specialist
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Engineering Technology
Automation Controls/SCADA
Business Management
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Diesel Power – Light Truck Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN)
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Medical Office Professional
Natural Gas Technology
On Campus
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Progressive Welding Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Registered Nursing (LPN to RN)
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
John And Diane Weber “Career Change” Endowed Scholarship
John and Diane Weber Family and Friends
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Electrical Utilities & Substation Technology
Geospatial Technologies
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Utilities Technology
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Daniel Roy Todd Memorial Scholarship
Daniel Todd Family
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Agricultural Business
Animal Science
Architectural Design and Building Construction
Automation Controls/SCADA
Culinary Academy of South Dakota
Diesel Power – Ag Power Technology
Electrical Construction & Maintenance
Heating & Cooling Technology
Human Services Technician
Information Systems Technology
Machining and Manufacturing
Medical Assistant
Medical Laboratory Technology
Medical Office Professional
Power Sports & Marine Technology
Precision Ag Technology
Radiation Therapy
Radiologic Technology
Small Business Management
Speech-Language Pathology Assistant
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies
Wind Turbine Technology
Bartels Endowed Scholarships
Keith & Glynn Bartels
- About
- Eligibility
- Criteria
Medical Laboratory Technology
Power Line Construction & Maintenance
Wi-Fi & Broadband Technologies