Employeer Resources

Double Edge

Mitchell Tech’s DOUBLE EDGE program brings together the appeal and success of the Workforce Recruitment Program with the financial resources of the Build Dakota Scholarship program.

How does it work?
Like our established Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP), you select the student you want to sponsor.

For more information, contact

Clayton Deuter
Vice President for Enrollment Services
605.995.7132 or 1.800.684.1969

For more information on:

We help you with all the paperwork. The student agrees to work for you for three years after graduation. You write us a check. The Build Dakota program funds the remainder. The student gets a high-quality Mitchell Tech education for free, incurs no debt and has a guaranteed job waiting after graduation. If for any reason the student no longer qualifies or decides not to accept employment with your company, he or she will pay back the money, just like a student loan. 

Great news for the student, too! A student who has an employer match goes to the top of the eligibility list.

Don’t spend thousands seeking, hiring, and training one employee! Your recruiting and advertising dollars will go twice as far with the Mitchell Tech DOUBLE EDGE program!

Mitchell Tech academic programs identified as high-need and eligible for the DOUBLE EDGE program: